Saturday, January 4, 2014

3. Tim: "Come, come! We're hanging!"

I'm kind of a lunatic.  About some things.  When I make a social decision, I weigh travel time against activity in question, I weigh amount of time needed for said activity against other things I need to with the rest of my day, I weigh the next time I'll see that person against the potential gain from our time together.  Like I said, lunatic.

My friend Tim, on the other hand, doesn't ever do any of these things.  "Come, come!  We're hanging!"  He says this frequently.  If he wants to see you, he wants to see you - that's it.  Let's hang.  And it's okay to just hang.  He doesn't care if he saw you yesterday or will see you tomorrow.  He doesn't care if hanging furthers his goals for the day or the week or whatever, if the activity is productive. Hanging means talking and talking means growing and that's what you do with people you love.  The rest of the details are just incidental.

What is wrong with me?  Okay, I've exaggerated my neuroses here just a bit, but the lesson for me is that it doesn't need to be productive or efficient, or fit into a grand plan to be worth my time.  I've gone through some life changes recently and it's taken some adjusting, like being forced to chill the eff out.  And in this transition, I'm grateful to Tim for the reminder that just hanging with people I care about - even the most simple of hangs - is simply good for the soul.

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