Tuesday, January 21, 2014

15. Kim: take a breath

Often when you ask Kim a question, she pauses.  And hmmms for a second.  Occasionally, it will be a pause just long enough, in response to just a certain type of question (how are the kids?  how are your parents?) that will have me worried for a second.  But then her fully thought-out and emphatic response puts my mind at ease.  She takes her time with her answer; she is thoughtful, reflective.

It would be an understatement to say that this little pause is something I don't do.  I can hardly even wait for someone else's sentence to be finished before I am responding.  Yes, of course I know it's rude!  And hasty and immature and self-centered.  I know all these things.  

But I'm hyper.  I get ahead of myself.  My emotions work faster than my brain (refer to yesterday's post).  My hasty words can create a verbal mess.  It's not infrequently that I say something I later wish I hadn't, or simply regret that I have been more focused on how I am going to respond, than on thoughtfully listening.

When I do this, I think of Kim, and her hmmmm.  I'm guessing she takes time to think about the response.  At the very least, she gives her attention and the chance for someone to deliver completed thoughts.  I admire this quality, and aspire to emulate Kim's moment for reflection that may allow for a more thoughtful (and grown up!) response.

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