Thursday, January 2, 2014

1. Tomer: the importance of doing something new

I'm starting 2014 with another 30-day project.  

This has been inspired by my dear friend Tomer, who is obsessed with Ted Talks.  He may marry Ted.  This past fall, he watched a three and half minute talk about trying something new for 30 days.  I went vegan, he took a photo of a different friend every day, forcing him to make intentional dates with people and deepen his relationships.  Another friend did something she had never done before, every day for 30 days; one of those things was getting married.  

Tomer pretty consistently reminds me to always be exploring ways to do something new, something challenging, something that stretches you a bit. 

He's now onto his next project, one second a day - this one is going to be cool (check it out), and I do believe he'll stick with it.

I'm sticking with the 30-day project for just now.  I'm starting 2014 with 30 Days of Life Lessons (or as many as I have ...), imparted to me from the wisdom and insight of those closest to me.  This is not an exercise of me going through a list of my friends and trying find some soundbite to attach to each. Rather, these are the lessons that affect my everyday life - things that I think about often, that help me make better decisions, that challenge my perspective, that are always with me, and the recognition that these insights and bits of wisdom have come to me through the blessing of those who love me and care about me, and help me see things in a new way.

Today is Tomer, and his irrepressible vigor for new things, new people, new experiences.  It's easy for life to become routine, but Tomer reminds me - often - to do something new, and love life while doing it.  

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